Saturday, January 02, 2010

the tiny things
unnoticed in every day
the ordinary extraordinary
the quiet
the warmth
christmas day
no stress
no rushing
no family
no friends
no complications
should be happy

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Long Time....

Wow I can't believe I remembered how to even log on to this thing. Good job me. Nothing has changed. New city. New job. But that's not new. I tend to change those things up every year or so. Older. Wiser? No. Stupider in fact. Still stuck in the same ruts I was two years ago when I posted last. Not sure why I'm here again. Treading water I suppose....wasting time....

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Mr. Pinto Bean

alright so it's 1 am. pretty good for me. i am officially up way past my pathetic bed time. staff party tonight. thought maybe i would try to actually have fun. not that i have a problem having fun....but i do have a problem with the bar scene. everyone says how much they hate the bar and yet i had to stand in line to get in. i really don't know why i bother. drunken pre teens thinking they are sexy rubbing up against each other in an intimate invitation that never in a million years would they extend under any other circumstance. girls wearing clothes that don't fit dancing with boys who have liquid confidence. confirming my belief that there really are no decent people left in this world. i mean, sure i may make out with the odd road side attraction:

but that's perfectly normal in my world......

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Fresh Ink

Sunday, March 04, 2007

It Was Almost A Very Good Bye

Michael Eric Flett
March 23, 1968 - March 3, 2007

"...come to me in my dreams, and then by day I shall be well again! For then the night will more than pay the hopelees longing of the day."
- Matthew Arnold


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hidden Valley

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Winters' Chill