Way Too Deep First Thing in the Morning...
so i saw a post on another blog that looked like an interesting delve into the introspective depths. i'm not entirely sure i can do this honestly, but let's give it a try. i still keep thinking that someone out there is going to read this drivel and know that it's me.....but then....this is all so much unlike me that i would imagine it wouldn't be possible. alright. here goes.
7 things i can't live without:
1.my fur babies (2 kitties tobi and lily)
2.music. whether it's in my ears, my head, or my heart, life requires a soundtrack
3. see? i'm already stuck. um.......
3. love. though i am a complete stranger to the emotion myself, everyone tells me that you just shouldn't live without it. i'll bite. sounds good.
4. coffee. yes, it was a resolution to cut back on the sweet sweet juice of life, but i will not ever say goodbye to it entirely.
5. see - i would say my friends, but since i'm new to this town and have been on the move for so long i don't really have many friends. those that i have i keep a precarious relationship from a distance that dwindles more every day. i would say family, but i've never been particularly close to them. well....no....i guess....
5. family. they are psychotic. for sure. but in the last year (which i will chose to remember only in a fragmented drunken state) i have learned amazing things about those people in my life whom i refer to as family. and it really is true when "they" say "it doesn't matter how you feel about your parents....you will miss them when they are gone." could i live without them? undoubtedly. but who would i gossip about if they weren't around?
6. just a few days ago i would say food....of course you need food to live....but you know what i mean. a really good meal that you savour every bite of. in my mind this usually conjurs images of shrimp and lobster and warm sourdough bread. i have since done quite a significant amount of research on just how these items get from point a to point b - and without going into gory descriptions, i am now a vegitarian, trying to make the change to complete vegan. there must be a recipe out there for veggies that will inspire the same sort of warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy. as much as my stomach turns when i think of a slab of grisly steak, i really do miss it so.
7. can i say my cats again? seriously.....that tobi of mine has seen me through some incredibly hard times. he has honestly saved my life on so many occassions. he is a little slower now that he's helped me through so much - a few years have passed since he first snuggled into the crook of my neck for a long winter's nap. i will go absolutely, positively balistic when he is gone. my schnoogy woogums. my toaster strudel. my baberonly. yes, i realize just how pathetic this sounds. shhhh....don't tell anyone, okay?
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