so i had two of my three remaining wisdom teeth dug out of my skull today. holy shit. not cool. first off - i was scheduled to have all three removed. when i got there the dentist asked me somewhat hesitantly if i still wanted to go ahead with that plan. i basically said that there was no way i would come back and go through this shit again, so yes, please proceed with all three. he says that we'll do two and see how i feel. i say fine. he puts on his gloves and goes for the big ol needle. now, for some reason i could actaully hear the needle going in - sort of like the sound your fork might make if you listened really carefully while you were tenderizing your steak. and he put in tons of the crap. usually i go for the absolute bear minimum of freezing - i despise that feeling when my tongue and lips are frozen - but this time i relented. figured better safe than sorry. so he pulls out his first tool that looks something like a little spatula. he tells me that he is going to do some gum removal. oh good. he is using so much pressure that my head is nodding and turning completely against my will. then he pulls out the tools that mean business. i won't go into incredible detail here because i fear i may get sick to my stomach if i have total recal on all of the details. needless to say i was rather happily ignorant on tooth extraction prior to going into that office. i had the idea that the tooth wasn't really attached by more than a nerve or two and therefore would only have to slice, remove, and stitch. um. not quite. for those who wish to remain blissfully ignorant - or for anyone that has this procedure in your future - you may wish to skip this part. the tooth is actually still a part of your skull. yep. still embedded in the bone. and so there was drilling. and twisting. and bleeding. he was using so much pressure that if he would have slipped a fraction of an inch his little nasty tool would have gone directly into my brain. at this point his lovely assistant is bracing my head so that it can't move. and then he says that i may hear a slight cracking noise. well holy mother of pearl. slight cracking. ha! thought it was my jaw at first. it sounded and felt like my mouth was on the other side of the room. *shudder* when he has number two out he tells me that he really doesn't care if i want the third out today - the first two were so difficult that even if i begged him he wouldn't do it. can't say i wasn't a tad relieved. don't get me wrong - i absolutely dread the idea of going back for more - but i was almost passing out from the pain - and believe it or not, i am no pansy. it is now about five hours later. the eight litres of freezing he put in my head are still running through my system - i am desperately hoping they are on their final lap soon. it's not only the site that hurts. it's everything. but somehow the freezing coming out is making it worse. all of my other teeth hurt now as they now have a little more room to dance. every place he stuck that damned needle in is aching. and my cheek! oh my gods my cheek! i look like i have been smashed across the face with a 2x4. i feel like i've been smashed across the face with a 2x4. not sure if that's just part of the parcel - or if my poor cheek was an innocent bystander in the whole situation being so pulled out of porportion that there was just no hope for the poor once rosy piece of human flesh. they gave me drugs. ibuprofen 600s. i don't know if that is supposed to be the good stuff or not - but it sure ain't helping. i can't eat. i can't swallow. i can't talk. i can just sort of drool and bleed and weep. if you have to have this done...for the love of every god and goddess there ever was or ever will be - have them knock you out. just shut up and pay the man the good money and let them knock you out. i'm going to go sob and bleed for awhile now. the dentist told me i have oozing to look forward to.....can't hardly wait....
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