Time to say goodbye to yet another phase of my life. My experience on this here Island has been a true roller coaster. In the short time that I was here I experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows that there is to be had. It seems like I have constant growing pains...
I have seen some of this planets most breath taking scenery. From the calm glassy water to the turbulent nature of the waves. All with the misty mountains in the far off distance. There are no words to describe the emotions felt at times just looking out over that water.
But the water is ugly too. It's dirty. Polluted. Fish are dying. As much a place of wonder, it is a place of sadness and destruction.
I lost my aunt, my grandfather, and my kitten. I cast flowers representing each of them out on that water. The space that I had claimed as my happy space when I first arrived became oppressive. I can't even go there any more...
I hated my apartment. I grew to absolutely adore my apartment. I am concerned that the apartment I will be moving into is a little piece of hell.
I have never had one single weekend where there was nothing to do. I never had the money to do it all....but at least I knew it was out there.
I didn't shovel snow once. Not one single time. Nary a flake to be seen. I thought that I missed it a little....but I think I'm just romantacizing my memories of crisp white (freezing cold pain in the ass) winter mornings.
I learned that you can admire and despise someone all in the very same moment in time.
I developed both a higher understanding and considerably less patience for the human race. It's been my experience that those people who are kind can cause you much more damage than those that are outright nasty.
There are many things that I will miss about this city. The gardens, the festivals, the generally speaking good natured people. I won't miss the "professionals" or the gray skies or the polluted and stinking Inner Harbour.
I am looking forward into what is to be. I am more nervous about this move than I have ever been, but I am excited too. I am going back to somewhat familiar territory. Though I'm not exactly going home, it has that sort of feeling. I feel like I am leaving a big part of me here. But maybe i will find more to put in along the way....