Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Any Guesses?

Does anyone randomly browsing through these blogs have any info for me on what Medicine Hat (Alberta, Canada, North America, Planet Earth) might be like? To live, I mean? Any advice?

Thought of the Day

"I think it's great that people have soap," Pepper said in a telephone interview this week. "I'm a big supporter of soap."

Monday, January 30, 2006

Thought of the Day

It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I never had the courtesy to thank her for it. - W._C._Fields

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Thought of the Day

We don't inherit the world from our parents,
We borrow it from our children...

In The Spirit of the Chinese New Year

Friday, January 27, 2006

Quite Pathetic Actually....

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 4.6
Mind: 4.8
Body: 6.6
Spirit: 6.3
Friends/Family: 3.5
Love: 0
Finance: 5.8
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Quote of the Day

"Some Dance to Remember
Some Dance to Forget"

- Eagles

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Didn't You Know Your Life Sucks? Here, Let Me Show You...

I was watching the ol tube last night and one of those "feed the starving people" commercials came on and it got me to thinking. These people were living their lives as they know life to be. Doing what they know had to be done. Feeding their families. Playing with their children. And, most likely, enjoying themselves. This is their life. This is all that they know. Without going into a whole other issue there's a big part of me that believes they are living a better life. And then enter stage right mr. khaki pants with is tv crew and his bottled water telling them that "their life is horrible!" "who could live in these conditions!" "you have no idea what you're missing out on!" "here, let me show you through this majic picture box just how you could be living." "the whole world feels sorry for you - don't you realize how bad off you are?" now, who knows what is going through these peoples heads once mr. khaki leaves their once peaceful town. with knowledge of the world beyond their imaginations are they feeling sorry for themselves? are they wishing that they had satellite television and ipods and freeway traffic? i would hope that they pity mr. khaki, living in his cement "paradise". maybe they are a little angry that mr. khaki is apparently destroying their world high rise by high rise. these people have it right. they are the people who will know how to sustain life once the rest of us demolish this planet. would i give up all of my modern conveniences to go and live as they do? no - because this life is all that i know, and i wouldn't have the faintest clue how to live without. should we feel sorry for those people who don't live like we do? absolutely not.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Something to Think About on Monday Mornings

I got this email....I don't usually pass things on, but this had a few really good points:

Life's Little Instruction Book
Have a firm handshake.
Look people in the eye.
Sing in the shower.
Own a great stereo system.
Keep secrets.
Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell thedifference.
Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90per cent of all your happiness or misery.
Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
Lend only those books you never care to see again.
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
When playing games with ! children, let them win.
Give people a second chance, but not a third.
Be romantic.
Be a good loser.
Be a good winner.
Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have tocross the same river.
Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you'll regret thethings you didn't do more than the one's you did.
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick toacknowledge those who helped you.
Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need onlystay a few minutes.
Begin each day with some of your favorite music.
Once in a while, take the scenic route.
Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollarideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of howtrivial their job.
Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
Make someone's day by paying the toll for the person in the car behindyou.
Become someone's hero.
Marry only for love.
Count your blessings.
Compliment the meal when you're a guest in someone's home.
Wave at the children on a school bus.

I like that last one....so simple....i'm 28 and i still wave at the ground crew when i'm on a plane. nothing makes me happier than when they wave back!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I Like the Idea of a Hot Air Balloon

Pattie is an inspiration. i have started working on my list. i would recommend that you start working on yours.....

Naughty Girls Need Love Too

have you ever had a love so great that every once and a while out of the blue you wake up thinking of him? mine is joey gelly. joe if you're out there come find me. now, when i say love so great i mean in a 12 year old capacity. teenage girl love is more intense than any other emotion i have ever experienced. i was absolutely infatuated with him. there wasn't a moment in my self absorbed pre teen existance that didn't involve a thought of him. i used to sit and stare at him across the classroom. he was the bad boy. always in trouble. tight jeans. bandana on his head. we once kissed through three whole samantha fox songs in a friends basement. did he love me you ask? why i doubt that very much. or if he did, he also loved most of my friends. i certainly can't say that he treated me very well....but then when you're 12 you don't really care. you're just happy that someone's kissing you. and i miss him. the last story i heard had him living somewhere in british columbia. he still wasn't particularly well behaved. and so i wonder about him.....where did he end up? the majority of my friends and the crowd i used to hang out with aren't living such glamorous lives. most of them have had drug addictions. many have illegitimate children. i don't think any of them are married. i don't know how i escaped that life, but am thankful every day that i pulled myself out of that particular downward spiral. so is that the kind of life that he is living now? daddy to a couple of kids here and there? maybe even in jail? hmm. or. is he bigger, stronger, and badder as my fantasy life likes to believe...oh yeah. little joey all grown up...i wouldn't mind if he still chose to wear those tight jeans though. some things just don't need to change! joey. darling. if you're listening.....will you marry me?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

little help?

alright, so no one has been reading this....which is just fine with me...but i'm hoping that someone might stop in to offer a tidbit of advice. i need to move. getting the one year itch and so it's time to mosey along. (have you ever seen the littlest hobo? i just keep movin on...) i need to find somewhere in british columbia, alberta, or perhaps even north - yukon or the territories. any suggestions? anyone love their town so much they can't stand it? not too big, not too small. big money, cheap rent (hey a girl can dream) everyone seems to have an opinion around me these days....this is one i'm actually asking for...

Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy? Birthday!

well, today is my birthday. and i'm not sure how i'm supposed to feel about that. first a little background - i was born january 6, 1978. an unimportant day to many. it is the precursor of my bad luck however because this is the day that my family mourns the death of my uncle who passed away january 6, 1974. without shoving a bunch of crap that you don't believe in down your throat, i firmly believe that i am a reincarnation of my uncle. i have thoughts that don't make sense to me. memories that aren't mine. i can tell you all about the farm that used to exist across the road from the house i grew up in - only it was wasn't a farm any longer by the time i entered the world. and you know it's the strangest feeling in the world - but i miss him. i never got to meet the guy. but yet i miss him. like i've known him all my life and just lost him yesterday. ah but perhaps it's all in my messed up mind....
so last night my sister asked me where i was going to move next. i think i surprised her when on my list of "must haves" in a town i included a river. i grew up next to a river. it comforts me. i used to go down to the water when i was in a particularly bad funk and just watch it rush past me. i would think to myself that the water rushing by me is the past - and the water rushing towards me is the future. i've cast a lot of bad feelings out upon that water to be swept far away in the rivers strong embrace. i think that's part of my problem here - on the ocean. no river. you can throw your troubles out there, but they just keep coming back. they have no where to go.
so where to next? i've done the rockies. i've done the okanagan...sort of. now i've done the ocean. for reasons that i can't quite sort out in my head i have a desire to be closer to my older sister. we are 8 years apart, and have never seen eye to eye. we don't have much in common. i can't stand her husband. and yet i think about heading in her direction. something happened between us when everyone started dying last year. and it wasn't a big sobbing sloppy hug or any other type of sappy emotional bonding. some sort of telecommunication occured that made it okay to talk to each other. i talked to her on the phone for two and a half hours last night. we never talk that long. and about nothing really. i was going to remind her that it was my birthday tomorrow....but i guess it's really not important. after all....it's not my birthday.....it's my uncles death day. *sigh*
so i'm taking myself out on the town tonight. drinks here at work to start, dinner, and a hockey game. should be fun. i was thinking of taking myself out to a pub after the game so that i could sit and properly wallow in my misery, but perhaps i will leave that for another day. it's funny - when i'm alone i don't feel alone. it's when i'm around other people that that fact hits home. i am never more lonely than when i am surrounded by smiling, happy, healthy people.
well....i want to keep going because anything is better than sitting here staring at my computer sreen hoping that either someone will give me some work to do or send me an email to read......
but i suppose i don't need to subject cyperspace to my irrational ramblings any longer. i will go for now....consider that a warning that i will be back. my cousin once told me that i'm selfish. and i suppose that's true. because i really don't care that i'm most likely boring the cyber world to tears. after all, it's all about me...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Way Too Deep First Thing in the Morning...

so i saw a post on another blog that looked like an interesting delve into the introspective depths. i'm not entirely sure i can do this honestly, but let's give it a try. i still keep thinking that someone out there is going to read this drivel and know that it's me.....but then....this is all so much unlike me that i would imagine it wouldn't be possible. alright. here goes.

7 things i can't live without:

1.my fur babies (2 kitties tobi and lily)
2.music. whether it's in my ears, my head, or my heart, life requires a soundtrack
3. see? i'm already stuck. um.......
3. love. though i am a complete stranger to the emotion myself, everyone tells me that you just shouldn't live without it. i'll bite. sounds good.
4. coffee. yes, it was a resolution to cut back on the sweet sweet juice of life, but i will not ever say goodbye to it entirely.
5. see - i would say my friends, but since i'm new to this town and have been on the move for so long i don't really have many friends. those that i have i keep a precarious relationship from a distance that dwindles more every day. i would say family, but i've never been particularly close to them. well....no....i guess....
5. family. they are psychotic. for sure. but in the last year (which i will chose to remember only in a fragmented drunken state) i have learned amazing things about those people in my life whom i refer to as family. and it really is true when "they" say "it doesn't matter how you feel about your parents....you will miss them when they are gone." could i live without them? undoubtedly. but who would i gossip about if they weren't around?
6. just a few days ago i would say food....of course you need food to live....but you know what i mean. a really good meal that you savour every bite of. in my mind this usually conjurs images of shrimp and lobster and warm sourdough bread. i have since done quite a significant amount of research on just how these items get from point a to point b - and without going into gory descriptions, i am now a vegitarian, trying to make the change to complete vegan. there must be a recipe out there for veggies that will inspire the same sort of warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy. as much as my stomach turns when i think of a slab of grisly steak, i really do miss it so.
7. can i say my cats again? seriously.....that tobi of mine has seen me through some incredibly hard times. he has honestly saved my life on so many occassions. he is a little slower now that he's helped me through so much - a few years have passed since he first snuggled into the crook of my neck for a long winter's nap. i will go absolutely, positively balistic when he is gone. my schnoogy woogums. my toaster strudel. my baberonly. yes, i realize just how pathetic this sounds. shhhh....don't tell anyone, okay?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What the Eff?

so last night i had the strangest dream. i was walking along the side of the highway (after landing my helijet that i somehow knew how to fly in the river by the mall that reoccurs in my dreams off and on) and was passing by the hot springs. i was going to just walk on by because it was so crowded, but decided to go anyways. it was a rather steep embankment i had to climb to get up to where the big tub was and i was tripping over people with every step. when i got to the top, however, there were a bunch of people in yellow full body suits that were bringing apparently dead people up from the depths. no one in the tub seemed particularly concerned, and once the "bodies" were out of the tub they were amazingly miraculously alive. skinny and gasping for air, but alive. they were slimy, as if they had been actually starting to decompose. i saw a bunch of these "bodies" in the pool and a big black mass in the deep end. i decided that this black stuff must be an actual dead person, and thought i should leave before i had the misfortune of witnessing them bringing that body up. (not that anyone else seemed to care) so i'm trying to get back down this steep hill, but i'm stepping on the gooey slippery decomposing flesh that is falling off of the "bodies" that have been helped down the hill before me. so? what the fuck? just plain weird. apparently it disturbed me quite a bit because i very rarely remember my dreams these days. any guesses on just what, exactly, that little bit of insanity might mean?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What's Going On?

Coming up with a user name is always a small piece of hell, isn't it? I mean, you want to be funny, smart, witty. You want people to look at your little creation and think "hmm this one looks interesting". I thought of many user names. I thought about my cats names. I thought about names that I have used before. I did not want to use "acorn" because it seems a little lame, no? But it's the one that ultimately fit. I chose the name acorn for myself years ago when I was interested in paganism. Not that I am no longer interested - I just don't have the time to do any more research right now. I chose it because I was just beginning, and felt that I was on the cusp of really learning who I was. That was probably eight years ago. Now, with my 28th birthday fast approaching, I wonder if I'm any closer now than I was back then. I've lived a lot, and learned a lot, but I'm still finding things out about myself on a pretty constant basis. But then I suppose I am not alone in that. With the new year ahead (and good riddance to 05) I can't help but feel that things will be better this year. But then that's what I think every year, and still I am an acorn. Hmm. Where did I go wrong? Is anyone out there listening? If a girl pours her heart out on the internet, does anybody hear?