&*$@*$&%& Part 2
Well, i am officially wisdomless. not that i had much wisdom to begin with. the procedure was more of the same. more slobber. more blood. this time part of the wisdom tooth had grown underneath the last molar, and so there was much more digging and drilling involved. and as such, it's not only the gaping hole in my mouth that is a little sensitive, but all of my teeth on that side. oh - and the other side had developed a bit of an infection which mr. mean dentist poked and prodded at before he started in on the other side. so it hurts. everywhere. BUT he gave me the good drugs this time so it's all good. the sadistic son of a bitch gave me a prescription. yikes. so, swollen and drooling i had to take myself to the drug store to have it filled. i'm sure i was a beautiful sight to behold. i didn't realize just how lazy i am - despite the reasons that i'm at home sitting on my couch i am almost ecstatically happy to be at home sitting on my couch. i am very much looking forward to reading through some blogs (this is getting to be a very time consuming habit) reading some garfield, reading some darwin awards, and drooling quietly into a glass of wine. ah bliss.
I'm digging it. No pain meds here, but I did get crowns put on my two implants this week, so thats out of the way. You know, there is a sense of accomplishment in these things.
Plus, the meds are fine. I have had MUCH MUCH BETTER comfy pills from my dentist than my doctor ever gave me. And I have broken 6 ribs and fractured my collarbone, and been to the ER many a time.
My dentist never fails, though.
God bless her.
(am i rambling here?)
- OK
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