2. people who don't feel the need to get fully into the turning lane - or people who don't bother at all unless it is clearly marked by little white lines on the road. get out of my way people! 3. people who feel it is necessary to walk around me to stand in front of me while waiting to walk across a street and then proceed to walk at a turtles pace. rrrrr. 4. people who tell me i'm broke because i spend irresponsibly. because i don't. besides bills, i don't spend. i don't shop. i don't eat out. i don't even remember the last time i treated myself to a movie. i'm not an over spender. i'm BROKE!!! 5. when my automatic coffee pot decides to turn itself off after only half an hour (it's supposed to be two hours) resulting in freezing cold coffee. 6.when there are no envelopes at the atm and i have bills to pay and i know that if i don't pay them i will most likely just spend the money on silly things like food 7. when my cat sleeps with his butt in my face and i don't realize it until it's too late. happens all too often i'm afraid 8. people who call to follow up an email they've sent totally negating the entire purpose of email. i hate talking on the phone. that's why i send email. yes, i did get your email. if you would have given me just half a second longer i would have replied to your email. rrrrr. 9. the fact that my fingers are just too damned fat to play guitar but i won't just let it be - or pick something else. i will find a way. oh yes. i will find a way. 10. the fact that i start to get stumped on what to put on lists like these after around point number 8 or so 11. my tv in the bedroom doesn't have a sleep timer. what the hell good is a bedroom tv with no sleep timer. but then it was free.... 12. mixers. as in uptight social events. as in the one i am obligated to attend this evening. i've been practicing the polite smile in the mirror all morning 13. telemarketers. i don't blame people for not donating to charities. i donated to two last year. i have approximately 20 unknown number appear on my phone every day. 2. Inky (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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I Get the phone calls after an email thing too! I hate that.. I hate talking on the phone. Its why i have email and why I have instant messanger.. The phone rings and my skin cringes.. I only have a phone because of the fact that i'm paranoid something might happen to my kids while they are at school or with family.. other than that.. My phone line is a bill collectors toy!
Who still uses staples?
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