When you're behind closed doors, all alone, by yourself,And you're longing inside to be somebody else
- From The Raccoons Television SeriesWords and Music by Kevin Gillis, Jon Stroll, Stephen Lunt, Performed by Lisa Lougheed
When you're behind closed doors, all alone, by yourself,And you're longing inside to be somebody else
The Rock Bottom Remainders have no record contract, no music videosand no Grammy nominations, but have over 78,000 hits on Google
2. people who don't feel the need to get fully into the turning lane - or people who don't bother at all unless it is clearly marked by little white lines on the road. get out of my way people! 3. people who feel it is necessary to walk around me to stand in front of me while waiting to walk across a street and then proceed to walk at a turtles pace. rrrrr. 4. people who tell me i'm broke because i spend irresponsibly. because i don't. besides bills, i don't spend. i don't shop. i don't eat out. i don't even remember the last time i treated myself to a movie. i'm not an over spender. i'm BROKE!!! 5. when my automatic coffee pot decides to turn itself off after only half an hour (it's supposed to be two hours) resulting in freezing cold coffee. 6.when there are no envelopes at the atm and i have bills to pay and i know that if i don't pay them i will most likely just spend the money on silly things like food 7. when my cat sleeps with his butt in my face and i don't realize it until it's too late. happens all too often i'm afraid 8. people who call to follow up an email they've sent totally negating the entire purpose of email. i hate talking on the phone. that's why i send email. yes, i did get your email. if you would have given me just half a second longer i would have replied to your email. rrrrr. 9. the fact that my fingers are just too damned fat to play guitar but i won't just let it be - or pick something else. i will find a way. oh yes. i will find a way. 10. the fact that i start to get stumped on what to put on lists like these after around point number 8 or so 11. my tv in the bedroom doesn't have a sleep timer. what the hell good is a bedroom tv with no sleep timer. but then it was free.... 12. mixers. as in uptight social events. as in the one i am obligated to attend this evening. i've been practicing the polite smile in the mirror all morning 13. telemarketers. i don't blame people for not donating to charities. i donated to two last year. i have approximately 20 unknown number appear on my phone every day. 2. Inky (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
Alright, so i've had a few people email and otherwise enquire about my fucked up family. grab a glass of wine. hell, grab the bottle..here we go.
no blogging today. while at the drugstore filling the prescription from mr. devil dentist i found a dvd collection consisting of 15 classic horror movies. now my only dilemma is which vincent price movie to devour....too many choices....
"I cannot help but notice there is no problem between us that cannot be solved by yout departure"
You Are a Traveler Soul |
You're a thrill seeker who loves to be active and on the move You love to wander: between places, ideas, and people. A good communicator, you're a nonconformist and interested in the world. You are an explorer, a good storyteller, and a true dreamer. Because you're always on the move, you can be a bit fickle. It's difficult for you to make personal commitments. Don't be so quick to ignore emotional issues and problems. You're much more intuitive and psychic than you think. Souls you are most compatible with: Retrospective Soul and Dreaming Soul |
Well, i am officially wisdomless. not that i had much wisdom to begin with. the procedure was more of the same. more slobber. more blood. this time part of the wisdom tooth had grown underneath the last molar, and so there was much more digging and drilling involved. and as such, it's not only the gaping hole in my mouth that is a little sensitive, but all of my teeth on that side. oh - and the other side had developed a bit of an infection which mr. mean dentist poked and prodded at before he started in on the other side. so it hurts. everywhere. BUT he gave me the good drugs this time so it's all good. the sadistic son of a bitch gave me a prescription. yikes. so, swollen and drooling i had to take myself to the drug store to have it filled. i'm sure i was a beautiful sight to behold. i didn't realize just how lazy i am - despite the reasons that i'm at home sitting on my couch i am almost ecstatically happy to be at home sitting on my couch. i am very much looking forward to reading through some blogs (this is getting to be a very time consuming habit) reading some garfield, reading some darwin awards, and drooling quietly into a glass of wine. ah bliss.
Thirteen Things about ME 1. I really have no idea about code - or blogging at all for that matter 2. Mama B 3. Cat 4. Dariana (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Is anything in this world guaranteed?
why all this death thought lately? it surrounds me somehow....when i wake up. in the shower. surfing the net. totally out of nowhere i get blindsided by the fact that somewhere deep - way deep - i actually did love her.
who decided that to be happy we must be "together"? i will have you know that i am perfectly happy being totally, completely, utterly, desperately, pathetically alone. well. most of the time. i'm tired of the first question from my colleagues on a friday being "what are you up to this weekend?" and the second question being "who are you doing that with?" the response is unvariably "no one" and the result is always someone pitying me. i despise that. alright, so taking myself out for birthday dinner was a little pathetic. but if i don't treat myself who will? okay so choosing tonight to do my grocery shopping because the store will be quiet might be a little lame. but i need groceries! tell ya what. if i could figure out how to meet people i would. it's not that i'm an extreme anti social or anything. usually. but where do you go? and not just to get a date...i mean to really meet people. make friends. enjoy someone elses company for a change. i'm single and in a strange town where i know no one. so.....what? i'm not about to just walk up to strangers and start a desperate super friendly conversation. i'm too old (and too broke) for the bar scene. i work 60+ hours a week - in an environment where everyone is either 10 years younger or 20 years older. i volunteer - but i'm usually there in the evenings and as such i am usually there alone. i've met some really nice people, sure. but how do you move from a friendly introduction and hand shake to a friendship? maybe i am a complete anti social if i don't understand this concept. when someone does finally ask if maybe i'd like to do something sometime i wonder what could possibly be wrong with them that they are talking to me. but i don't worry about that much - it doesn't happen often. it's not that i'm a complete dog either. i'm no beauty queen, but i'm fit. i'm blonde. i'm busty. i'm independant. i'm intellegent. wait. that could be my problem, no? people see me and expect one thing but i guess i'm a bit of a false advertiser. i'm afraid i'm not the ditzy easy sleazy blonde. i have thoughts in my head (once and a while) and choose to express them (more often than perhaps i should) so what's a girl to do? i'll be picking up a bottle of wine (or two) to have with my mac and cheese at home with my cats tonight. happy love smoochie puke day everyone.
The wisdom of others remains dull till it is writ over with our own blood. We are essentially apart from the world; it bursts into our consciousness only when it sinks its teeth and nails into us.
Modern man likes to pretend that his thinking is wide-awake. But this wide-awake thinking has led us into the mazes of a nightmare in which the torture chambers are endlessly repeated in the mirrors of reason.
Riches do not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use made of them.
When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always get worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better.
so i had two of my three remaining wisdom teeth dug out of my skull today. holy shit. not cool. first off - i was scheduled to have all three removed. when i got there the dentist asked me somewhat hesitantly if i still wanted to go ahead with that plan. i basically said that there was no way i would come back and go through this shit again, so yes, please proceed with all three. he says that we'll do two and see how i feel. i say fine. he puts on his gloves and goes for the big ol needle. now, for some reason i could actaully hear the needle going in - sort of like the sound your fork might make if you listened really carefully while you were tenderizing your steak. and he put in tons of the crap. usually i go for the absolute bear minimum of freezing - i despise that feeling when my tongue and lips are frozen - but this time i relented. figured better safe than sorry. so he pulls out his first tool that looks something like a little spatula. he tells me that he is going to do some gum removal. oh good. he is using so much pressure that my head is nodding and turning completely against my will. then he pulls out the tools that mean business. i won't go into incredible detail here because i fear i may get sick to my stomach if i have total recal on all of the details. needless to say i was rather happily ignorant on tooth extraction prior to going into that office. i had the idea that the tooth wasn't really attached by more than a nerve or two and therefore would only have to slice, remove, and stitch. um. not quite. for those who wish to remain blissfully ignorant - or for anyone that has this procedure in your future - you may wish to skip this part. the tooth is actually still a part of your skull. yep. still embedded in the bone. and so there was drilling. and twisting. and bleeding. he was using so much pressure that if he would have slipped a fraction of an inch his little nasty tool would have gone directly into my brain. at this point his lovely assistant is bracing my head so that it can't move. and then he says that i may hear a slight cracking noise. well holy mother of pearl. slight cracking. ha! thought it was my jaw at first. it sounded and felt like my mouth was on the other side of the room. *shudder* when he has number two out he tells me that he really doesn't care if i want the third out today - the first two were so difficult that even if i begged him he wouldn't do it. can't say i wasn't a tad relieved. don't get me wrong - i absolutely dread the idea of going back for more - but i was almost passing out from the pain - and believe it or not, i am no pansy. it is now about five hours later. the eight litres of freezing he put in my head are still running through my system - i am desperately hoping they are on their final lap soon. it's not only the site that hurts. it's everything. but somehow the freezing coming out is making it worse. all of my other teeth hurt now as they now have a little more room to dance. every place he stuck that damned needle in is aching. and my cheek! oh my gods my cheek! i look like i have been smashed across the face with a 2x4. i feel like i've been smashed across the face with a 2x4. not sure if that's just part of the parcel - or if my poor cheek was an innocent bystander in the whole situation being so pulled out of porportion that there was just no hope for the poor once rosy piece of human flesh. they gave me drugs. ibuprofen 600s. i don't know if that is supposed to be the good stuff or not - but it sure ain't helping. i can't eat. i can't swallow. i can't talk. i can just sort of drool and bleed and weep. if you have to have this done...for the love of every god and goddess there ever was or ever will be - have them knock you out. just shut up and pay the man the good money and let them knock you out. i'm going to go sob and bleed for awhile now. the dentist told me i have oozing to look forward to.....can't hardly wait....